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This is a brief post to confirm the rumor that the team has returned safely to Messiah College. We can't thank you enough for your prayers during our travels. Thankfully our return journey was as-planned and contained none of the delays and changes we experienced during our outbound trip. When it takes you 4 days to get somewhere, getting home in just over 24 hours of transit seems relatively "easy."

We are reminded of the blessings of this land - water that regularly falls from the sky, shelter that provides protection from that water, roads that allow safe and efficient travel, and a communication infrastructure that allows for blog posts do be done without delay. As we enter back into the "normal" on this side of the ocean, pray that we will discern all that God has for us to learn from our time in Africa and that we will be able to effectively describe the work He is doing both there and here in our lives.

There may be a few "late blooming" posts that were not possible to get published while in country. Thanks again for joining with us on this journey.

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